Add a simple datetimepicker to jQuery UI's datepicker
Add only a timepicker:
Format the time:
$('#basic_example_3').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: "hh:mm tt" });
Timepicker comes with a collection of localization files and one combined file with all available localizations. $.timepicker.regional["your localization code here"] is a simple object with preset options:
$('#basic_example_4').timepicker( $.timepicker.regional['es'] );
Simplest timezone usage:
$('#timezone_example_1').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt z' });
Define your own timezone options:
$('#timezone_example_2').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'HH:mm z', timezoneList: [ { value: -300, label: 'Eastern'}, { value: -360, label: 'Central' }, { value: -420, label: 'Mountain' }, { value: -480, label: 'Pacific' } ] });
Add a grid to each slider:
$('#slider_example_1').timepicker({ hourGrid: 4, minuteGrid: 10, timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt' });
Set the interval step of sliders:
$('#slider_example_2').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss', stepHour: 2, stepMinute: 10, stepSecond: 10 });
Add sliderAccess plugin for touch devices:
$('#slider_example_3').datetimepicker({ addSliderAccess: true, sliderAccessArgs: { touchonly: false } });
Use dropdowns instead of sliders. By default if slider is not available dropdowns will be used.
$('#slider_example_4').datetimepicker({ controlType: 'select', timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt' });
Uses one line dropdowns instead of sliders.
$('#slider_example_4andHalf').datetimepicker({ controlType: 'select', oneLine: true, timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt' });
Create your own control by implementing the create, options, and value methods. If you want to use your new control for all instances use the $.timepicker.setDefaults({controlType:myControl}). Here we implement jQueryUI's spinner control (jQueryUI 1.9+).
var myControl= { create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){ $('<input class="ui-timepicker-input" value="'+val+'" style="width:50%">') .appendTo(obj) .spinner({ min: min, max: max, step: step, change: function(e,ui){ // key events // don't call if api was used and not key press if(e.originalEvent !== undefined) tp_inst._onTimeChange(); tp_inst._onSelectHandler(); }, spin: function(e,ui){ // spin events tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, obj, unit, ui.value); tp_inst._onTimeChange(); tp_inst._onSelectHandler(); } }); return obj; }, options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){ if(typeof(opts) == 'string' && val !== undefined) return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner(opts, val); return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner(opts); }, value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){ if(val !== undefined) return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner('value', val); return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner('value'); } }; $('#slider_example_5').datetimepicker({ controlType: myControl });
Alt field in the simplest form:
$('#alt_example_1').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_1_alt" });
With datetime in both:
$('#alt_example_2').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_2_alt", altFieldTimeOnly: false });
Format the altField differently:
$('#alt_example_3').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_3_alt", altFieldTimeOnly: false, altFormat: "yy-mm-dd", altTimeFormat: "h:m t", altSeparator: " @ " });
With inline mode using altField:
$('#alt_example_4').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_4_alt", altFieldTimeOnly: false });
Allows time displayed inside the picker to allow being typed in.
$('#input_example_1').datetimepicker({ timeInput: true, timeFormat: "hh:mm tt" });
Don't show any sliders, only the time input.
$('#input_example_2').datetimepicker({ timeInput: true, timeFormat: "hh:mm tt", showHour: false, showMinute: false });
Set the min/max hour of every date:
$('#rest_example_1').timepicker({ hourMin: 8, hourMax: 16 });
Set the min/max date numerically:
$('#rest_example_2').datetimepicker({ numberOfMonths: 2, minDate: 0, maxDate: 30 });
Set the min/max date and time with a Date object:
$('#rest_example_3').datetimepicker({ minDate: new Date(2010, 11, 20, 8, 30), maxDate: new Date(2010, 11, 31, 17, 30) });
Restrict a start and end date by using onSelect and onClose events for more control over functionality:
For more examples and advanced usage grab the Handling Time eBook.
var startDateTextBox = $('#range_example_1_start'); var endDateTextBox = $('#range_example_1_end'); startDateTextBox.datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'HH:mm z', onClose: function(dateText, inst) { if (endDateTextBox.val() != '') { var testStartDate = startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); var testEndDate = endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); if (testStartDate > testEndDate) endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', testStartDate); } else { endDateTextBox.val(dateText); } }, onSelect: function (selectedDateTime){ endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('option', 'minDate', startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate') ); } }); endDateTextBox.datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'HH:mm z', onClose: function(dateText, inst) { if (startDateTextBox.val() != '') { var testStartDate = startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); var testEndDate = endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); if (testStartDate > testEndDate) startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', testEndDate); } else { startDateTextBox.val(dateText); } }, onSelect: function (selectedDateTime){ startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('option', 'maxDate', endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate') ); } });
Timepicker also includes some shortcut methods for ranges:
var startDateTextBox = $('#range_example_2_start'); var endDateTextBox = $('#range_example_2_end'); $.timepicker.datetimeRange( startDateTextBox, endDateTextBox, { minInterval: (1000*60*60), // 1hr dateFormat: 'dd M yy', timeFormat: 'HH:mm', start: {}, // start picker options end: {} // end picker options } );
To use only times for a time range use $.timepicker.timeRange():
var startTimeTextBox = $('#range_example_3_start'); var endTimeTextBox = $('#range_example_3_end'); $.timepicker.timeRange( startTimeTextBox, endTimeTextBox, { minInterval: (1000*60*60), // 1hr timeFormat: 'HH:mm', start: {}, // start picker options end: {} // end picker options } );
Even though this plugin focuses on datetime, it also provides a dateRange function:
var startDateTextBox = $('#range_example_4_start'); var endDateTextBox = $('#range_example_4_end'); $.timepicker.dateRange( startDateTextBox, endDateTextBox, { minInterval: (1000*60*60*24*4), // 4 days maxInterval: (1000*60*60*24*8), // 8 days start: {}, // start picker options end: {} // end picker options } );
Get and Set Datetime with the getDate and setDate methods. This example uses timezone to demonstrate the timepicker regonizes the timezones and computes the offsets when getting and setting.
var ex13 = $('#utility_example_1'); ex13.datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt z', separator: ' @ ', showTimezone: true }); $('#utility_example_1_setdt').click(function(){ ex13.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date()) ); }); $('#utility_example_1_getdt').click(function(){ alert(ex13.datetimepicker('getDate')); });
Use the utility function to format your own time. $.datepicker.formatTime(format, time, options)
Returns a time string in the specified format.
$('#utility_example_2').text( $.datepicker.formatTime('HH:mm z', { hour: 14, minute: 36, timezone: '+2000' }, {}) );
Use the utility function to parses a formatted time. $.datepicker.parseTime(format, timeString, options)
Returns an object with hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, timezone.
$('#utility_example_3').text(JSON.stringify( $.datepicker.parseTime('HH:mm:ss:l z', "14:36:21:765 +2000", {}) ));